Personal Injury Lawyer

Recovering from a personal injury accident is a long process, and victims usually suffer many financial losses as well. A personal injury accident is any accident that results in a victim’s injuries, illness or trauma due to actions committed by another individual that amount to negligence. If you want to file a claim but are new to the claims process, there are several key things that should be aware of. 

There are many steps involved

A personal injury case is not easy to navigate, and it involves many different steps. From the case evaluation to discovery to the preparation of legal paperwork, it is time-consuming and stressful. If you are not sure how to best navigate your personal injury case, do not hesitate to talk to a lawyer for personalized assistance. They can help you understand your case better and what actions would yield the best results. An experienced and qualified lawyer will be able to work on the tasks for you. 

The statute of limitations is only a few years

The statute of limitations for a personal injury case is not a long period. While it varies from state to state, the period that personal injury accident victims can file a claim is typically two to four years, as a trusted personal injury lawyer can explain. This means that you will need to act quickly if you want to gather everything that you need. If you have limited evidence or if your accident happened months ago, you have even less time to file a claim. Be sure to have everything in order such as evidence and your legal paperwork so that you are able to submit a claim in time. 

Your case may be resolved in a year or longer

Personal injury cases take time to finish. Do not expect your case to be resolved in as little as a few months because the average case usually takes roughly a year to be completed. Your case may take even longer if you face additional challenges and obstacles such as missing evidence, paperwork errors, and non-communicative witnesses. A lawyer like one from Hall-Justice Law Firm, LLC may only be able to give you an estimated timeline, but anything can happen that can result in delays. 

Negotiating with the insurance company may take a while 

When you are working on a personal injury claim, you may run into issues with the insurance company. They do not act in your best interests, as their primary goal is to protect their bottom line. If you are trying to obtain a certain settlement amount of specific damages, expect some pushback from the insurance company. They may attempt to argue that you are not entitled to certain damages for one reason or another. With a lawyer at your side to advocate for you and defend your rights, they will be in a much better position to be able to negotiate and secure the compensation that you deserve.

Personal injury cases are not at all simple issues to find solutions to. If you would like to learn more about how you can file a claim and receive legal assistance, set up a consultation now to meet with a lawyer.

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