If a dangerous or defective product has injured you, a product liability attorney can work to resolve your claim successfully. A defective and dangerous product lawyer needs to have extensive experience in product liability law, both investigating and pursuing claims for wrongful death or personal injury damages resulting from such products. Product liability attorneys strive to work quickly to achieve a recovery on your behalf that offers the maximum compensation for your injury claim.
How Can a Product Be Determined Defective or Dangerous?
Product designers, manufacturers, distributors, marketers, and sellers all have an obligation to protect consumers of their products from potential hazards. Product liability claims can be due to negligence, breach of warranty, or strict liability. A product liability lawsuit can be brought against any party involved in any stage of the design, manufacture, and distribution of a product. This spans from a product designer to the provider of a particular component used in manufacturing to the retailer who sold the product to a consumer.
A product may be defective or dangerous as a result of design, manufacturing, or marketing defects.
Design problems may exist from the earliest stages of product development. Investigations often reveal that the product designer may have failed to comply with state and federal regulations, accepted safety guidelines, and even their own internal design and safety protocols.
Manufacturing defects may happen after the product is transferred into production.
A marketing defect, such as false advertising or mislabeling, may later deceive or mislead consumers who purchase and use a product. For example, prescription drugs and medical devices may have undisclosed harmful side effects or be mislabeled.
Their insurance companies for product manufacturers and others vigorously defend their products against liability lawsuits. Often, the provider of the item is a large corporation with enormous resources at its disposal. For this reason, you need a product liability attorney who has the experience and resources to handle these challenging cases successfully. Challenging such cases is often achieved by bringing in technical experts from various disciplines to provide testimony.
How a Product Liability Attorney Can Help You
The process of pursuing a product liability claim is a search for the truth. Unless the parties involved have full knowledge of the facts, the outcome of the dispute cannot be based on truth. Therefore, experienced and knowledgeable product liability attorneys know how to pursue discovery aggressively. The information gleaned from the discovery process in a product liability case can even benefit society, as this type of lawsuit can serve to prevent the same injury or harm from happening to others. Product liability claims are complex and nuanced, so an attorney with extensive experience in this aspect of personal injury law can be a tremendous asset to your case.