Defective Products

Legal issues surrounding employment may call for assistance from an employment litigation lawyer who can understand the legal case and determine the appropriate legal strategy for moving forward. There is a multitude of legal entanglements that may arise throughout a person’s employment from harassment to creation and use of defective products, as our own lawyers well know. Because of this, employees should have some understanding of what their rights are as an employee within their organization. Employment litigation can happen when an employee takes legal action against their employer regarding various issues. While there are several legal issues, Eric Siegel Law will share that the process for taking legal action can quickly become complex and highly contentious. The following are vital questions employees facing employment litigation may be searching the answers to:

What are common types of cases that may involve employment litigation?

Employment law covers vast issues that may arise in the workplace, and several types of legal cases may follow. Employment law is responsible for covering key issues that may include:

  • Discrimination
  • Harassment
  • Retaliation
  • Wrongful Termination
  • Wage Disputes
  • Salary Misclassifications
  • +More

What signs of an employee having a legal case for unlawful employment practices?

Unlawful employment practices can rage, and identifying the signs of a problem can differ depending upon the type of unlawful behavior experienced. Typically if a person suspects there is an issue, there may be one, and it will be essential to pay close attention. Sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation are among the most common unlawful practices. The following are a few signs these practices may be present in the workplace:

Sexual Harassment

Making Sexualized Jokes

Unwanted Physical Touch

Sexually Charged Insults

Repeatedly Being Asked on Dates


Unfair Treatment

Inappropriate Job Interview Questions

Unequal Pay

Lack of Workplace Diversity



Reduction in Pay

Passed Over for Promotions

Being Left Out of Meetings

Job Loss

What steps should be taken when taking legal action?

The way to take legal action will largely depend upon the employment issue that a person may be experiencing. In doing so, one of the initial steps will be to determine the appropriate agency to file a complaint with. Of course, it can be helpful to speak with an employment litigation lawyer as they can assist with the process. Once this is identified, the next step may be to file a complaint. In many cases, this may be the initial step required before pursuing a lawsuit. 

What key evidence can help to support the case?

Evidence will play a role in pursuing employment law cases, and gathering information as soon as possible will be important. In many cases, without the appropriate evidence, it can quickly become a case of “he said/she said.” While gathering evidence is critical, a lawyer can also help investigate the case to build solid evidence. Key evidence to gather may include:

  • Email Exchanges
  • Text Messages/Voicemails
  • Eyewitness Statements
  • Company Information
  • Medical Records
  • +More

While it’s crucial for employees to have an understanding of their rights, employers also have the vital role of having an understanding of not only employment law but also ensuring they comply with them. Legal action may be a consideration when this does not happen and the employer does not take action to correct the matter. Contact an employment litigation lawyer near you for help today if you find yourself working in a toxic and unsafe environment.

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