Personal Injury Attorney

Summer Camp Injury

So you and your children have been awaiting for the summer break. Finally a time for them to relax and have fun. Much like sending your child to school, when you allow your children to spend time at these summer camp facilities, while always prepared, you do not anticipate your child suffering an injury of […]

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Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck Accident Lawyer Accidents are scary, and a vehicular accident can be the scariest thing for a person and their family. But perhaps the most frightening type of vehicular accident is going to be those that involve large trucks, as they are particularly devastating and often leave the victims of said accidents with catastrophic injuries. 

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What You Need to Know If You Were In a Truck Accident

If you were involved in an accident with a truck, you may be wondering what your next steps should be. Commercial vehicles, tractor-trailers, 18 wheelers, semi-trucks, Mack trucks, panel vans, and more heavyduty vehicles are an ever-present feature on the roadways. There are millions of tractor-trailers operating in the United States, and they travel billions

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The Potential Impact Social Media Could Have on Your Lawsuit

Suffering an injury that is due to another person or party’s negligence, misconduct, carelessness, or recklessness can be very unnerving, scary, and anxiety-producing. When your medical bills are mounting daily, and you aren’t able to pay them because your injuries have made you incapable of working, you may understandably have a significant amount of stress

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